Page:Thus Spake Zarathustra - Alexander Tille - 1896.djvu/348

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And if thou art once awake, thou shalt remain awake for ever. Not my way is it to awaken great- grandmothers from sleep in order to ask them to sleep on !

Thou mo vest, thou stretchest thyself, thou rattiest ? Up ! Up ! Not rattle speak thou shalt unto me ! Zarathustra, the ungodly, calleth thee !

I, Zarathustra, the advocate of life, the advocate of suffering, the advocate of the circle I call thee, my most abyss-like thought !

Hail unto me ! Thou comest ; I hear thee ! Mine abyss speaketh. My last depth have I turned round unto the light !

Hail unto me! Come nigh! Shake hands ha! Leave me, hahaha ! Loathing, loathing, loathing ! Alas, for me!"

��No sooner had Zarathustra said these words than he fell down like one dead, and remained long like one dead. But when he again became conscious, he was pale and trembled and remained lying, and for a long while would neither eat nor drink. This state of his lasted seven days. But his animals left him not, day or night, unless that the eagle flew off to get food. And whatever prey he fetched and caught, he laid on Zarathustra's couch, so that at last Zarathustra was buried under yellow and red berries, grapes, rose

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