Page:Thus Spake Zarathustra - Alexander Tille - 1896.djvu/456

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��Ye higher men, think ye that I live to make well what ye made badly ?

Or think ye that I meant to pillow you sufferers more comfortably for the future ? Or to show new and easier footpaths unto you restless, gone astray on roads and mountains ?

Nay ! Nay ! Three times Nay ! Ever more, ever better ones of your tribe shall perish. For ye shall have ever a worse and harder life. Only thus

Only thus man groweth up unto that height where the lightning striketh and breaketh him ; high enough for the lightning !

Towards few things, towards long things, towards remote things, my mind and my longing turn. What concern hath your petty, manifold short misery for me !

Ye do not yet suffer enough ! For ye suffer from yourselves, ye have never yet suffered from man. Ye would lie, did ye say otherwise ! None of you suffereth from what / have suffered.


It is not enough for me that the lightning causeth no more damage. I do not want to conduct it into the ground. It shall learn to work for me.

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