Page:Thus Spake Zarathustra - Alexander Tille - 1896.djvu/75

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" My brother, when thou hast a virtue and it is thy virtue, thou hast it in common with nobody.

It is true thou wilt call it by a name and pet it; thou wilt pull its ear and amuse thyself with it.

And lo ! now thou hast its name in common with the folk and hast become folk and herd with thy virtue !

It would be better for thee to say : Unutterable and nameless is that which maketh my soul's pain and sweetness, and it is a hunger of mine intestines.

Let thy virtue be too high for the familiarity of names : and if thou hast to speak of it, be not ashamed to stammer.

Speak and stammer : ' That is my good, that love I, thus it pleaseth me entirely, thus alone will I the good.

I do not will it as the law of a God, I do not will it as the statute or requirement of man : it shall not be a landmark for me to beyond-earths or para- dises.

It is an earthly virtue that I love : there is little pru- dence in it, and still less the reason common to all.

But that bird hath built its nest with me : that is


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