Page:Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne.djvu/49

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The Corruption of Modern Pleasure,—(The Japanese Jugglers.)

February 28, 1867.

25.I have your pleasant letter with references to Frederick. I will look at them carefully.[1] Mr. Carlyle himself will be pleased to hear this letter when he comes home. I heard from him last week at Mentone. He is well, and glad of the light and calm of Italy. I must get back to the evil light and uncalm, of the places I was taking you through.

(Parenthetically, did you see the article in the 'Times' of yesterday on bribery, and the conclusion of the commission—"No one sold any opinions, for no one had any opinions to sell"?)

Both on Thursday and Friday last I had been tormented by many things, and wanted to

  1. Appendix 2.