Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/216

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Executive Orders EO 13257 (iv) the Secretary of Health and Human Services; (v) the Director of Central Intelligence; (vi) the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; (vii) the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development; and (viii) any additional officers or employees of the United States as may be designated by the President. (c) The Task Force shall be chaired by the Secretary of State. Sec. 2. Activities. The Task Force shall, consistent with applicable law and the constitutional authorities and duties of the President, carry out the fol- lowing activities: (a) coordinate the implementation of the Act; (b) measure and evaluate progress of the United States and other coun- tries in the areas of trafficking in persons prevention, protection, and assist- ance to victims of trafficking in persons, and prosecutions and other en- forcement efforts against traffickers, including the role of public corruption in facilitating trafficking in persons; (c) assist the Secretary of State in the preparation of the annual reports described in section ll0 of the Act; (d) expand interagency procedures to collect and organize data, includ- ing significant research and resource information on domestic and inter- national trafficking in persons, while ensuring that any data collection pro- cedures involved, respect the confidentiality of victims of trafficking in per- sons; (e) engage in efforts to facilitate cooperation among countries of origin, transit, and destination, and such efforts shall aim to strengthen local and regional capacities to prevent trafficking in persons, prosecute traffickers and assist trafficking victims; shall include initiatives to enhance coopera- tive efforts between destination countries, transit countries, and countries of origin; and shall assist in the appropriate reintegration of stateless vic- tims of trafficking in persons; (f) examine the role of the international "sex tourism" industry in the trafficking of persons and in the sexual exploitation of women and children around the world; (g) engage in consultation and advocacy with governmental and non- governmental organizations, among other entities, to advance the purposes of the Act; and (h) address such other matters related to the purposes of the Act as the President may determine. Sec. a. Administration. (a) The Department of State shall provide funding and administrative support for the Task Force, except as otherwise pro- vided by the Act. (b) At the call of the Chair, the Task Force shall meet as necessary to accomplish its mission. (c) Task Force members may designate representatives from their respec- tive agencies to represent them at Task Force meetings. 203