Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/231

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EO 13262 Title 3--The President l. Paragraph 92e is amended to read as follows: "e. Maximum punishment. Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for life without eligibility for pa- role.". m. Paragraphs 32e, 33e, 46c(1)(g)(iii), 46e, 49e, 52e, 58e, 78e and 106e are amended by striking "$100.00" each place it appears and inserting "$\177oo.oo". Sec. 6. These amendments shall take effect on May 15, 2002. a. The amendments made to Rules for Courts-Martial 806(d) and 100\177(b)(3)(A) shall only apply in cases in which arraignment has been com- pleted on or after May \1775, 2002. b. The amendments made to Rules for Courts- Martial \177003(b)(7), \177004(e), 1006(d)(4)(B), and \177009(e)(3)(B)(ii) shall only apply to offenses committed after November \1778, \177997. In cases not involving these amend- ments, the maximum punishment for an offense committed prior to May \1775, 2002, shall not exceed the applicable maximum in effect at the time of the commission of such offense. Provided further, that for offenses com- mitted prior to May 15, 2002, for which a sentence is adiudged on or after May \1775, 2002, if the maximum punishment authorized in this Manual is less than that previously authorized, the lesser maximum authorized pun- ishment shall apply. c. The amendment made to Military Rules of Evidence 6\1775 shall apply only in cases in which arraignment has been completed on or after May \1775, 2002. d. Nothing in these amendments shall be construed to make punishable any act done or omitted prior to May \1775, 2002, that was not punishable when done or omitted. e. Nothing in these amendments shall be construed to invalidate any noniudicial punishment proceeding, restraint, investigation, referral of charges, trial in which arraignment occurred, or other action begun prior to May 15, 2002, and any such nonjudicial punishment, restraint, investiga- tion, referral of charges, trial, or other action may proceed in the same man- ner and with the same effect as if these amendments had not been pre- scribed. GEORGE W. BUSH THE WHITE HOUSE, April 11, 2002. CHANGES TO THE DISCUSSION ACCOMPANYING THE MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL, UNITED STATES a. The Discussion following the Preamble is amended by adding the fol- lowing at the end of the Discussion: "The amendment to paragraph 4 of the Preamble is intended to address the possibility of more frequent amendments to the Manual and the arrival of the 21st century. In the event that multiple editions of the Manual are published in the same year, the numbering and lettering of the edition 218