Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/344

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Other Presidential Documents Presidential Determination No. 2003-05 of December 7, 2002 Presidential Determination of Designations Under the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 Memorandum for the Secreta\177y of State Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including under section 5 of the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-338) ("the Act"), I hereby determine that each of the following groups is a democratic oppostion organization and that each satisfies the criteria set forth in section 5(c) of the Act: the Assyrian Democratic Movement; the Iraqi Free Officers and Civilians Movement; the Iraqi National Front; the Iraqi National Movement; the Iraqi Turkmen Front; and the Islamic Accord of Iraq. I hereby designate each of these organizations as eligible to receive assistance under section 4 of the Act. You are authorized and directed to report this determination and designa- tion to the Congress and to arrange for its publication in the Federal Reg- ister. GEORGE W. BUSH THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, December 7, 2002. Presidential Determination No. 2003-06 of December 7, 2002 Presidential Determination on Authorization to Furnish Drawdown Assistance to the Iraqi Opposition Under the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 Memorandum for the Secreta\177 of State [and] the Secreta\177 of Defense Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including under sections 4(a)(2) and 5(a) of the Iraq Liberation Act of \177998 (Public Law \17705-338) (the "Act"), and consistent with Presidential Deter- mination 99-\1773, I hereby direct the furnishing of up to $92 million in de- fense articles from the Department of Defense, defense services from the Department of Defense, and military education and training in order to pro- vide assistance to the following organizations: Iraqi National Accord; Iraqi National Congress; Kurdistan Democratic Party; Movement for Constitutional Monarchy; Patriotic Union of Kurdistan; Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq; and to such other Iraqi opposition groups designated by me under the Act before or after this determination. The assistance will be allocated in ac- cordance with plans being developed by the Department of Defense and the Department of State. 331