Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/367

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Title 3--The President No. Subiect 67 FR Page 7546 ................ National Park Week, 2002 .......................... 20605 7547 ................ National Day of Prayer, 2002 ..................... 21559 7548 ................ Law Day, U.S.A., 2002 ................................ 30307 7549 ................ Loyalty Day, 2002 ....................................... 30309 7550 ................ Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, 3031\177 2002. 755\177 ................ Older Americans Month, 2002 ................... 303\1773 7552 ................ National Charter Schools Week, 2002 ....... 30533 7553 ................ To Restore Nondiscriminatory Trade 30535 Treatment (Normal Trade Relations Treatment) to the Products of Afghani- stan. 7554 ................ To Extend Duty-Free Treatment for Cer- 30537 tain Agricultural Products of Israel. 7555 ................ Small Business Week, 2002 ........................ 3\177105 7556 ................ National Tourism Week, 2002 .................... 3\17707 7557 ................ Mother's Day, 2002 ..................................... 34583 7558 ................ Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police 34585 Week, 2002. 7559 ................ National Defense Transportation Day and 34587 National Transportation Week, 2002. 7560 ................ National Hurricane Awareness Week, 348\1775 2002. 756\177 ................ To Designate the Republic of C\177te d'Ivoire 35705 as a Beneficiary Sub-Saharan African Country. 7562 ................ Armed Forces Day, 2002 ............................ 35707 7563 ................ National Safe Boating Week, 2002 ............. 35891 7564 ................ World Trade Week, 2002 ............................ 35893 7565 ................ National Maritime Day, 2002 ..................... 36495 7566 ................ National Missing Children's Day, 2002 ..... 36497 7567 ................ Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 2002 ....... 36499 7568 ................ Black Music Month, 2002 ........................... 38583 7569 ................ National Fishing and Boating Week, 2002 38585 7570 ................ National Homeownership Month, 2002 .... 3924\177 757\177 ................ National Child's Day, 2002 ......................... 39595 7572 ................ Great Outdoors Week, 2002 ........................ 40\17737 7573 ................ Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2002 ... 40\17739 7574 ................ Father's Day, 2002 ....................................... 42\17777 7575 ................ Lewis and Clark Bicentennial .................... 44755 7576 ................ To Provide for the Efficient and Fair Ad- 45285 ministration of Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain Steel Products. 7577 ................ Captive Nations Week, 2002 ...................... 47677 7578 ................ National Korean War Veterans Armistice 4955\177 Day, 2002. 7579 ................ Anniversary of the Americans With Dis- 49555 abilities Act, 2002. 7580 ................ Parents' Day, 2002 ....................................... 49557 758\177 ................ The Bicentennial of the United States Pat- 49559 ent and Trademark Office, 2002. 7582 ................ National Airborne Day, 2002 ...................... 53723 7583 ................ National Health Center Week, 2002 ........... 53873 7584 ................ Women's Equality Day, 2002 ..................... 553\1777 354