Page:Title 3 CFR 2002 Compilation.djvu/386

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Index Family Caregivers Month, National H (Proc. 7615) Family Day (Proc. 7597) Haiti; narcotics certification (Presidential Family Week, National (Proc. 7630) Fame-City Week (Proc. 7629) Determination No. 02-07, p. 279) Fam\177 Safety and Health Week, National Health Center Week, National (Proc. (Proc. 7592) 7583) Father's Day (Proc. 7574) Health programs and funds, inter- Federal Emergency Management Agency; national; transfer of funds (Presi- order of succession (Memorandum of dential Determination No. 02-32, p. Nov. 26, p. 328) 311) Fire Prevention Week (Proc. 7602) Heart Month, American (Proc. 7521) Fishing and Boating Week, National Hispanic Heritage Month, National (Proc. 7569) (Proc. 7591) Fitness, personal; Federal role in pro- Historically Black Colleges and Univer- moting activities (E.G. 13266) Flag Day and National Flag Week (Proc. sities, President's Board of Advisors 7573) on; amendment (E.G. 13256) Foreign Assistance Act of 1961; avail- Historically Black Colleges and Univer- ability of funds (Presidential Deter- sities Week, National (Proc. 7593) mination No. 02-26, p. 304) Homeland Security Advisory Council, Forest Products Week, National (Proc. President's; establishment (E.G. 13260) 7613) Homeland Security, Senior Advisory Committees for; establishment (E.G. G 13260) General Pulaski Memorial Day (Proc. Homeownership Month, National (Proc. 7607) 7570) Georgia, Republic of Hospice Month, National (Proc. 7621) Military drawdown (Presidential De- Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, termination No. 02-17, p. 294) and Human Rights Week (Proc. 7634) Train-and-equip program funding Hurricane Awareness Week, National (Presidential Determination No. 02- (Proc. 7560) 20, p. 298) German-American Day (Proc. 7604) Gold Star Mother's Day (Proc. 7598) [ Government agencies and employees Executive branch agencies and depart- Immigration and naturalization ments; half-day closing on Decem- Aliens and noncitizen nationals; expe- ber 24, 2002 (E.G. 13281) Faith-based and community organiza- diting naturalization for those serv- tions; responsibilities of Federal ing in active-duty status (E.G. 13269) agencies (E.G. 13279, E.GA3280) Labor-Management Relations Program, Migration and refugee assistance (Pres- Federal; exempting certain Depart- idential Determination Nos. 02-13, ment of lustice subdivisions (E.G. p. 292; 02-25, p. 303; 02-29, p. 307) 13252) Refugee admissions numbers for fiscal Rates of pay; adjustment (E.G. 13282) year 2003 (Presidential Determina- Regulatory planning and review (E.G. tion No. 03-02, p. 313) 13258) Undocumented aliens interdicted or Rulemaking; consideration of small intercepted in the Caribbean region; entities (E.G. 13272) delegation of responsibilities (E.G. Transition Planning Office for the De- 13276) partment of Homeland Security; es- India; narcotics certification (Presi- tablishment (E.G. 13267) dential Determination No. 02-07, p. USA Freedom Corps; establishment (E.G. 13254) 279) Great Outdoors Week (Proc. 7572) International Development, U.S. Agency Greek Independence Day: A National for; responsibilities relating to faith- Day of Celebration of Greek and Amer- based and community organizations ican Democracy (Proc. 7535) (E.G. 13280) Guatemala; narcotics certification (Presi- International entities; U.S. contributions dential Determination No. 02-07, p. (Presidential Determination No. 02-08, 279) p. 284) 373