Page:Title 3 CFR 2005 Compilation.djvu/333

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Title 3--The President Burma Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Continuation of national emergency Victims of Hurricane Katrina, National (Notice of May 17, p. 248) (Proc. 7925) Illicit narcotics certification (Presi- Day of Prayer, National (Proc. 7896) dential Determination No. 05-36, p. Days of Prayer and Remembrance, Na- 265) tional (September l\177, 200\177) (Proc. Burundi; designation under the African 7928) Growth and Opportunity Act (Proc. Defense, Department of 7970) Defense Economic Adiustment Pro- gram; amendments (EO \1773378) C Order of succession (EO \1773394; Mem- orandums of }une 2, p. 25% Dec. 22, Cambodia; International Criminal Court; waiving prohibition on United States p. 281) Defense Economic Adiustment Program; military assistance (Presidential Deter- mination No. 05-3% p. 261) amendments (EO 13378) Cancer ControlMonth (Proc. 7884) Defense Transportation Day and Na- Captive Nations Week (Proc. 7913) tional Transportation Week, National Character Counts Week, National (Proc. (Proc. 7902) 7946) Diabetes Month, National (Proc. 7953) Charter Schools Week, National (Proc. Disability Employment Awareness 7890) Month, National (Proc. 7937) Child Abuse Prevention Month, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, (Proc. 7878) National (Proc. 7938) Child Health Day (Proc. 7939) Dominican Republic Child's Day, National (Proc. 7909) Illicit narcotics certification (Presi- China; circular welded non-alloy steel dential Determination No. 05-36, p. pipe, imports (Presidential Determina- 265) tion No. 06-7, p. 283) International Criminal Court; waiving Colombia prohibition on United States mili- Continuation of national emergency tary assistance (Presidential Deter- with respect to narcotics traffickers mination No. 05-26, p. 255) (Notice of Oct. 19, p. 273) Donate Life Month, National (Proc. Drug interdiction assistance (Presi- 7879) dential Detem\177ination No. 05-32, p. Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention 262) Month, National (Proc. 7965) Illicit narcotics certification (Presi- dential Detem\177ination No. 05-36, p. 265) E Columbus Day (Proc. 7944) Economic transactions and property; Commerce, Department of; assignment of prohibitions; clarification (EO 13372) reporting function to the Secretary Ecuador; illicit narcotics certification (Memorandum of Aug. 5, p. 261) (Presidential Determination No. 05-36, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Constitution Week (Proc. 7932) p. 265) Consumer Protection Week, National Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 7869) (Proc. 7888) Courts-Martial, United States Manual Egypt; assignment of functions with re- spect to loan guarantees (Memo- for; amendments (EO 13387) Crime Victims' Rights Week, National randum of Sept. 9, p. 263) (Proc. 7877) Employer Support of the Guard and Re- Cuba; continuation of national emer- serve Week, National (Proc. 7947) Executive orders blocking property and gency relating to the anchorage and movement of vessels (Notice of Feb. prohibiting certain transactions; clari- 18, p. 239) fication regarding donations (EO 13372) D Export control regulations; continuation of national emergency (Notice of Aug. D.A.R.E. Day, National (Proc. 7883) 2, p. 260) 32O