Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/270

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Executive 0 rders EO 13419 (a) review the funding and activities of the Federal Government relating to aeronautics R&D; (b) recommend to the President, the Director of the Office of Manage- ment and Budget, and the heads of executive departments and agencies, as appropriate, such actions with respect to funding and activities of the Fed- eral Government relating to aeronautics R&D as may be necessary to (i) advance United States technological leadership in aeronautics; (ii) support innovative research leading to significant advances in aero- nautical concepts, technologies, and capabilities; (iii) pursue and develop advanced aeronautics concepts and tech- nologies, including those for advanced aircraft systems and air transpor- tation management systems, to benefit America's security and effective and efficient national airspace management; (iv) maintain and advance United States aeronautics research, develop- ment, test and evaluation infrastructure to provide effective experimental and computational capabilities in support of aeronautics R&D; (v) facilitate the educational development of the future aeronautics work- force as needed to further Federal Government interests; (vi) enhance coordination and communication among executive depart- ments and agencies to maximize the effectiveness of Federal Government R&D resources; and (vii) ensure appropriate Federal Government coordination with State, ter- ritorial, tribal, local, and foreign governments, international organiza- tions, academic and research institutions, private organizations, and other entities. Sec. 3. Implementation of National Aeronautics Research and Development Policy. To implement the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, the Di- rector shall: (a) develop and, not later than 1 year after the date of this order, submit for approval by the President a plan for national aeronautics R&D and for related infrastructure, (the "plan"), and thereafter submit, not less often than biennially, to the President for approval any changes to the plan; (b) monitor and report to the President as appropriate on the implemen- tation of the approved plan; (c) ensure that executive departments and agencies conducting aero- nautics R&D: (i) obtain and exchange information and advice, as appropriate, from or- ganizations and individuals outside the Federal Government in support of Federal Government planning and performance of aeronautics R&D; (ii) develop and implement, as appropriate, measures for improving dis- semination of R&D results and facilitating technology transition from R&D to applications; and (iii) identify and promote innovative policies and approaches that com- plement and enhance Federal Government aeronautics R&D investment; and 257