Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/326

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Other Presidential Documents Syria, not to provide certain funding for those countries' governments for fiscal year 2007, until such government complies with the minimum stand- ards or makes significant efforts to bring itself into compliance, as may be determined by the Secretary of State in a report to the Congress pursuant to section ll0(b) of the Act; \337 Make the determination provided in section ll0(d)(3) of the Act, con- cerning the determinations of the Secretary of State with respect to Belize and Laos; \337 Determine, consistent with section l10(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Iran, that funding for educational and cultural exchange programs de- scribed in section ll0(d)(l)(A)(ii) of the Act that include educators, munic- ipal leaders, religious leaders, journalists, economists, or sports or cultural figures would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the na- tional interest of the United States; \337 Determine, consistent with section l10(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Saudi Arabia, that provision to Saudi Arabia of all programs, projects, or activities of assistance described in sections ll0(d)(l)(A)(i) and ll0(d)(l)(B) of the Act would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the national interest of the United States; \337 Determine, consistent with section ll0(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Sudan, that provision to Sudan of all programs, projects, or activities of as- sistance described in sections ll0(d)(l)(A)(i) and ll0(d)(l)(B) of the Act would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the national in- terest of the United States; \337 Determine, consistent with section l10(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Syria, that funding for educational and cultural exchange programs de- scribed in section ll0(d)(l) (A)(ii) of the Act that include educators, munic- ipal leaders, religious leaders, journalists, economists, or sports or cultural figures would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the na- tional interest of the United States; \337 Determine, consistent with section l10(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Uzbekistan, that provision to Uzbekistan of all programs, projects, or activi- ties of assistance described in sections ll0(d)(l)(A)(i) and ll0(d)(1)(B) of the Act would promote the purposes of the Act or is otherwise in the na- tional interest of the United States; \337 Determine, consistent with section l10(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Venezuela, for all programs, projects, or activities of assistance for victims of trafficking in persons or to combat such trafficking, or for strengthening the democratic process, including strengthening political parties and sup- porting electoral observation and monitoring and related programs, or for public diplomacy, that provision to Venezuela of the assistance described in sections ll0(d) (1)(A)(i) and ll0(d)(l)(B) of the Act for such programs, projects, or activities would promote the purposes of the Act or is other- wise in the national interest of the United States; \337 Determine, consistent with section ll0(d)(4) of the Act, with respect to Zimbabwe, for all programs, projects, or activities of assistance for victims of trafficking in persons or to combat such trafficking, for the promotion of health or good governance, or which would have a significant adverse effect on vulnerable populations if suspended, that provision to Zimbabwe of the assistance described in sections ll0(d)(l)(A)(i) and ll0(d)(l)(B) of 313