Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/33

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Proc. 7987 Title 3--The President Annex II of Publication 3829, effective on the dates specified in the rel- evant sections of such publication and on any subsequent dates set forth for such duty reductions in that publication. (3) The Secretary of Commerce is authorized to exercise my authority under section 105(a) of the Act to establish or designate an office within the Department of Commerce to carry out the functions set forth in that section. (4) The CITA is authorized to exercise my authority under section 203(0) of the Act to determine that a fabric, yarn, or fiber is not available in com- mercial quantities in a timely manner in the United States and those Agree- ment countries for which the Agreement has entered into force, and to add any such fabric, yarn, or fiber to the list in Annex 3.25 of the Agreement in a restricted or unrestricted quantity; to eliminate a restriction on the quantity of a fabric, yarn, or fiber within 6 months after adding the fabric, yarn, or fiber to the list in Annex 3.25 of the Agreement in a restricted quantity; to restrict the quantity of, or remove from the list in Annex 3.25 of the Agreement, certain fabrics, yarns, or fibers; and to establish proce- dures governing the submission of a request for any such determination and to ensure appropriate public participation in any such determination. (5) The CITA is authorized to exercise my authority under section 209 of the Act to suspend or deny preferential tariff treatment to textile or ap- parel goods; to detain textile or apparel goods; and to deny entry to textile or apparel goods. (6) The CITA is authorized to exercise my authority under sections 321- 328 of the Act to review requests and to determine whether to commence consideration of such requests; to cause to be published in the Federal Reg- ister a notice of commencement of consideration of a request and notice seeking public comment; and to determine whether imports of a textile or apparel article of an Agreement country are causing serious damage, or ac- tual threat thereof, to a domestic industry producing an article that is like, or directly competitive with, the imported article. (7) The CITA, after consultation with the Commissioner of Customs (the "Commissioner"), is authorized to consult with representatives of an Agreement country for the purpose of identifying particular textile or ap- parel goods of that country that are mutually agreed to be handloomed, handmade, or folklore articles as provided in Article 3.2\177 of the Agreement. The Commissioner shall take actions as directed by the CITA to carry out any such determination. (8) The United States Trade Representative is authorized to exercise my authority under section \17704 of the Act to obtain advice from the appro- priate advisory committees and the United States International Trade Com- mission on the proposed implementation of an action by presidential proc- lamation; to submit a report on such proposed action to the appropriate congressional committees; and to consult with those congressional commit- tees regarding the proposed action. (9) The United States Trade Representative is authorized to modify U.S. note 20 to subchapter XXII of chapter 98 of the HTS in a notice published in the Federal Register to reflect modifications pursuant to paragraph (4) of this proclamation by the CITA to the list of fabrics, yarns, or fibers in Annex 3.25 of the Agreement. 20