Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/376

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Table 5--Statutes Cited As Authority PUBLIC LAWS--Continued Law Number Presidential Document 109-432 ....................... Proc. 8096 SHORT TITLE OF ACT Title Presidential Document Arms Export Control Act ............... Presidential Deternfination Nos. 06-22, p. 303; 07-7, p. 325; 07-10, p. 329 Atonfic Energy Act ......................... Presidential Deternfination No. 07-7, p. 325 Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 ..... Presidential Deternfination Nos. 06-26, p. 314; 07-10, p. 329 Caribbean Basin Economic Recov- Proc. 8097 ery Act. Dominican Republic-Central Proc. 8097 America-United States Imple- mentation Act. Migration and Refugee Assistance Presidential Deternfination No. 07-1, p. 316 Act of 1962. North American Free Trade Agree- Proc. 8097 ment Implementation Act. Omnibus Trade and Competitive- Proc. 8097 ness Act of 1988. Trade Act of 1974 ........................... Procs. 8033, 8097 Trade Act of 2002 ........................... Notices of Jan. 6, p. 271; Aug. 24, p. 302 United States-Australia Free Trade Proc. 8097 Area Implementation Act. United States-Bahrain Free Trade Proc. 8097 Area Implementation Act. United States-Chile Free Trade Proc. 8097 Area Implementation Act. United States-Jordan Free Trade Proc. 8097 Area Implementation Act. United States-Morocco Free Trade Proc. 8097 Area Implementation Act. United States-Singapore Free Proc. 8097 Trade Area Implementation Act. Uruguay Round Agreements Act ... Proc. 8097 363