Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/394

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Title 5--Administrative Personnel--Continued XIV Federal Labor l\177elations Authority, General Counsel of the Fed- eral Labor l\177elations Authority and Federal Service Impasses Panel (Parts 2400--2499) XV Office of Administration, Executive Office of the President (Parts 2500--2599) XVI Office of Government Ethics (Parts 2600--2699) XXI Department of the Treasury (Parts 31004199) XXII Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Part 3201) XXIII Department of Energy (Part 3301) XXIV Federal Energy l\177egulatory Commission (Part 3401) XXV Department of the Interior (Part 3501) XXVI Department of Defense (Part 3601) XXVIII Department of Justice (Part 3801) XXIX Federal Communications Commission (Parts 39004999) XXX Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 40004099) XXXI Farm Credit Administration (Parts 4100-4199) XXXIII Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Part 4301) XXXV Office of Personnel Management (Part 4501) XL Interstate Commerce Commission (Part 5001) XLI Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Part 5101) XLII Department of Labor (Part 5201) XLIII National Science Foundation (Part 5301) XLV Department of Health and Human Services (Part 5501) XLVI Postal l\177ate Commission (Part 5601) XLVII Federal Trade Commission (Part 5701) XLVIII Nuclear l\177egulatory Commission (Part 5801) L Department of Transportation (Part 6001) LII Export-Import Bank of the United States (Part 6201) LIII Department of Education (Parts 6300--6399) LIV Environmental Protection Agency (Part 6401) LV National Endowment for the Arts (Part 6501) LVI National Endowment for the Humanities (Part 6601) LVII General Services Administration (Part 6701) LVIII Board of Governors of the Federal l\177eserve System (Part 6801) LIX National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Part 6901) LX United States Postal Service (Part 7001) LXI National Labor l\177elations Board (Part 7101) LXII Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Part 7201) LXIII Inter-American Foundation (Part 7301) LXV Department of Housing and Urban Development (Part 7501) LXVI National Archives and l\177ecords Administration (Part 7601) LXVII Institute of Museum and Library Services (Part 7701) LXIX Tennessee Valley Authority (Part 7901) LXXI Consumer Product Safety Commission (Part 8101) LXXIII Department of Agriculture (Part 8301) 382