Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/46

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Proclamations Proc. 7996 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of the Independ- ence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirtieth. GEORGE W. BUSH Proclamation 7996 of March 31, 2006 To Implement the Dominican Republic-Central America- United States Free Trade Agreement With Respect to Honduras and Nicaragua By the President of the United States of Arnerica A Proclamation 1. On August 5, 2004, the United States entered into the Dominican Repub- lic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (Agreement) with Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, E1 Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua (Agreement countries). The Agreement was approved by the Congress in section 101(a) of the Dominican Republic-Central America- United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (the "Act") (Pub- lic Law 109-53, 119 Stat. 462) (19 U.S.C. 4001 note). 2. Section 201 of the Act authorizes the President to proclaim such modi- fications or continuation of any duty, such continuation of duty-free or ex- cise treatment, or such additional duties, as the President determines to be necessary or appropriate to carry out or apply Articles 3.3 and 3.28, and Annexes 3.3 (including the schedule of United States duty reductions with respect to originating goods) and 3.28 of the Agreement. 3. Consistent with section 201(a)(2) of the Act, each Agreement country is to be removed from the enumeration of designated beneficiary developing countries eligible for the benefits of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) on the date the Agreement enters into force with respect to that country. 4. Consistent with section 201(a)(3) of the Act, each Agreement country is to be removed from the enumeration of designated beneficiary countries under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) (19 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) on the date the Agreement enters into force with respect to that country, subject to the exceptions set out in section 201(a)(3)(B) of the Act. 5. Consistent with section 213(b)(5)(D) of the CBERA, as amended by the United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) (Public Law 106-200), each Agreement country is to be removed from the enumeration of designated CBTPA beneficiary countries on the date the Agreement en- ters into force with respect to that country. 6. Section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974 (the "1974 Act") (19 U.S.C. 2483), as amended, authorizes the President to embody in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) the substance of relevant provisions of that Act, or other acts affecting import treatment, and of actions taken thereunder. 33