Page:Title 3 CFR 2006 Compilation.djvu/93

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Proc. 8031 Title 3--The President Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument Boundary Coordinates [Coordinates listed are unprojected (Geographic) and based on the North American Datum of 1983.] Point L\177itude Longitude 1 28.437480 -175.177660 2 28.267840 -175.000000 3 26.848220 -173.513200 4 26.600050 -171.628460 5 26.591570 -171.564050 6 26.584980 -171.514000 7 26.567910 -171.458490 8 26.555880 -171.419340 9 26.237590 -170.384040 10 25.842570 -167.964750 11 25.816640 -167.805960 12 25.784980 -167.612000 13 25.664070 -167,441430 14 25.585060 -167.329980 15 25,173930 -166,750000 16 24.681970 -166.056000 17 24.594130 -165,583330 18 24,399760 -164.537400 19 23.880420 -161.742420 20 23.868390 -161.686790 21 23.853160 -161.632100 22 23.834780 -161.578570 23 23.813320 -161.526420 24 23,788880 -161.475860 25 23.761550 -161.427080 26 23.731440 -161.380290 27 23.698680 -161.335660 28 23.663380 -161.293370 29 23.625700\177 -161.253600 30 23.585780: -161.216500 31 23.543790 -161.182210 32 23.4998901 -161.150870 33 23.4542501 -161.122600 34 23.407070 -161,097510 35 23.358510 -161.075690 36 23,308790 -161.057240 37 23.258090 -161.042210 38 23,206620 -161.030670 39 23.154580 -161.022660 40 23.102170 -161.018200 41 23.049610 -161.017300 80