Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/151

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Proclamations Proc. 8213 determinations, subject to the maximum limitation and percentages set fodh in such subdivision (b). The USTR may likewise modify, in a notice published in the Federa I ReRister, such overall limit and sublimits to reflect a ClTA determination to implement a decision of the padies to the Agreement, as defined in general note 29(a) to the tadff schedule, to take into account the ability of the Dominican Republic to padicipate in such limits." 3. The following new HTS provision is inserted in numerical sequence in subchapter XXII of chapter 98, with the material inserted in the columns entitled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", and "Rates of Duty 1 General": "9822.05.05 : Apparel goods of chapter 62 for which the treatment

provided in U.S. note 21 to this subchapter is appro-
appropriate, \177f entered into the customs territory of the
United States in aggregate quantities not to exceed the
limits set forth in U.S. note 21 to this subchapter ........... : Free (P)":