Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/165

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Proclamations Proc. 8214 62E. A change to subheading 8528.71 from any other subheadlng. 62F. A change to subheading 8528.72 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 7011.20. 8528.73, 8540.11 or 8540.91. 62G. A change to subheading 8528.73 from any other subheading." 70. TCRs 95 through 98, inclusive, for chapter 85 are deleted and the following new TCR is inserted in lieu thereof: "96. A change to subheading 8543.'10 from any other subheading except from ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials of subheading 8486.20." 71. TCRs 100 and 101 for chapter 85 are deleted and the following new TCR is inserted in lieu thereof: "100. A change to subheading 8543.70 from any other subheading." 72. TCR 105 for chapter 85 is modified by deleting "8544.51" and by inserting in lieu thereof "8544.42". 73. The forlowing new TCRs for chapter 85 are inserted immediately below TCR 105: \177105A.. A change to electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80V, not fitted with connectors of subheading 8544.49 from any other good of subheading 8544.49 or from any other subheading, provided there is also a regional value content of not less than: (A) 35 percent when the build-up method is used, or (B) 45 percent when the buird-down method is used. 105B. (A) A change to any other gcod of subheading 8544.49 from electric conductors, for a voltage not exceeding 80V, not fitted with c\177qnectors of subheading 8544.49 or from any other subheading outside subheadings 8544.11 through 8544.60, except from headings 7408, 7413, 7605 or 7614; or (B) A change to subheading 8544,49 from headings 7408, 7413, 7605 or 7614, whether or not there is also a change from any other subheading, provided there is also a regional value content of not less than: (i) 35 percerit when the build*up method is used, or (ii) 45 percent when the build-down method is used." 74. TCR 112 for chapter 85 is deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted in lieu thereof: u112. A change to subheading 8548.10 from any other heading, 113. A change to electronic microassemblies of subheading 8548.90 from any other good of subheading 8548,90 or from any other subheading. 114. A change to any other good of subheading 8548.90 from electronic microassemblies of subheading 8548.90 or from any other heading." 75. TCRs 6 through 11, inclusive, for chapter 87 are deleted and the following new TCR is inserted in lieu thereof: '6. (A) A change to subheadings 8708.30 through 8708.99 from any other heading; or (El) NO required change in tedff classificalJon, provided there is a regional value content of not less than: (i) 30 percent when the build-up method is used, or (ii) 50 percent when the build-down methad is used." 76. TCR 1 for chapter 88 is deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted in lieu thereof: "1. (A) A change to gl\177ders and hang gliders of heading 8801 from any other good of heading 8801 or any other heading; or (B) A change to any other good of heading 8801 from gliders and hang gliders of heading 8801 or any other heading. 1A. A change to subheadings 8801.00 through 8803.90 from any other subheading, inoluding another subheading within that group," 77. TCRs 24 through 27, fnolusive, for chapter 90 are daleled. 165