Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/169

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Proclamations Proc. 8214 ANNEX tl TECHNICAL RECTIFICATIONS TO THE RULES OF ORIGIN FOR THE UNITED STATES-SINGAPORE FREE TRADE AGREEMENT, AS REFLECTED IN THE HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES A. Effective with respect to goods of Singapore, under the terms of general note 25 to the Harmonized Tanff Schedule o! the United States (HTS), that are entered, or withdrawn ffom warehouse for consumption, on Or after the later of (1) February t, 2008, Or (2) the thirtieth day after the date Of publication of this proclamation in the Federal Register, general note 25(o) to the HTS is modified as follows: 1. Tariff c\177ssificalion rule (TCR) 17 for c\177apter 28 Is deleted and the following newTCR is inserted: "17. A change to subheading 2811.29 from any other subheading." 2. TCR 41 for chapter 28 is doleled and the following new TCR is inserted: '41, A change to subheadings 2826.12 through 2826.90 from any other subheading, including ansiher subheading wifhth that group." 3, TCR 50 far chapter 28 is deleted. 4. TCR 52 for chapter 28 is deleted and the following new TCR is inserted: "52, A change to subheadings 2833.22 throngh 2833.25 from any other subheading, including analher subheading within that group," 5. TCRs 61 and 66 for chapter 28 are deleted. 6. TCR 69 for chapter 28 is deleted and the following new TCR is inserted: '69. (A) A change to bismuth carbonate of subheading 2836.99 from ammonium carbonates or lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 or from any olher subheading, except from subheading 2617.90; (B) A change lo lead carbonates of subheading 2836.99 from any Other good of 2836.99 or from any other subheading, except from heading 26.07; or (C) A change to other goods of subheading 2836.99 from any other subheading, provided that the good c\177assified in subheading 2836.99 is the product of a chemical reaction." 7. TCR 71 for chapter 28 is deleted. 8. TCR 74 for chapter 28 is deleted and the following new TCR is inserted: "74. A change to subheading 2839.90 from any other subheeding." g. TCRs 79 and 80 for chapter 28 are deleted and the following new TCRs are inserted: \17779. A change to subheading 2841.30 from any other subheading. 80. (A) A change to chromatos of zinc Or lead of subheading 2841.50 ffom any other subheading; Or (B) A change to any other good of subheading 2841.50 from any other subheading, except from heading 2610.' 10. TCR 85 for chapter 28 is deleted and the following new TCR Is inserted: '85. (A] A change to aluminate or chromate Salts of zinc or lead of subheading 2841.90 from any other subheading; or (B) A change to any other good of subheading 2841.90 from any other subheading, provided that the good classified in subheading 2841.90 is the product of a chemical reaction.' 11. 'rCR 87 for chapter 26 is deleted and the following new TCR is inserted; '87. (A) A change to fulminates, cyanafe$ or thiocyanates of subheadlag 28,\1772.90 from any other good of subhead[rig 2842.90 or from any other subheading; or (B) A change to other goods of subheading 2842.90 from any other good of subheading 2842.90 or any other subheadlag, provided that the gcod cJassified in subheading 2842.90 is the product of e chemical reaction.' \17769