Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/178

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Proc. 8214 Title 3--The President 77. 'rcRs 51 through 60, inclusive, for chapter 85 are deleted ar\177i the foliowing newTCRs are inserted: '51. (A) A change to heeding 8523 \177rom any other heading; er (B) Recording of sound er Other slmlledy recorded phenomena onto blank or unrecorded media of heading 8523 shall confer origin whether or not there has been a change in tariff classilication. 53. A change to subhaedin\177s 8525.50 thmu\177 8527.60 from any othe,r subheading outside that group, except from Irensmlssk\177 apparatus of subheadings 8517.81 though 8517.62 and except from transmission apparatus incorporating reception apparatus of subheadings 8517.12, 8517.61 or 8517.62, 54. A change to subheadings 852580 through 8527.99 from any ether subheading, including another subheading within that group. 56. A change to subheading 8528.41 from any other subheading. 57. A change to subheeding 8528.49 from any other subheading, except from su\177haedings 7011.20, 8528.59, 8540.11 or 8540.91. 58. A change to subheading 8528.51 from any other subheading. 59. A change to subheading 8529.59 from any other subheading, except \177om subheadings 7011\33720, 8528.49, 8540.11 or 8540.91. 60. A change to subheading 8528.61 from any other subheading. 60A. A change to subheading 8528.69 from any other subheading. 60B. A change to subheading 8528.71 from any other subheading, except from subheadings 7011\33720, 8540.11 or 8540.91. 60C. A change to subheading 8528.72 from any other subheading, except flora subheadings 7011.20, 8528.73, 8540.11 or 8540.91. 60D. A change to subheading 8528.73 from any other subheading.' 78. The lext of TCR 62{A) for chapter 85 is depot ed and the fofiowing new text for such subdivision (A) is inserted:

  • A change to subheading 8529.90 from any other subheading, excepl from subheading 8517,70; or'

79. TCR 89 for chapter 85 is deleted and the folidwing new TCR is inserlnd; '89. A change to subheading 8543\33710 from any other subheading, except from ion implanters for doping s emico\177ductor materials of subheading 8486.20.' 80. TCRs g2 through 94, inclusive, for chapter 85 are deleted and the following new'fCRs are inserted: '92. A change to subheading 8543.70 from any other stJbhead[ng. except f\177om subhead[rig 8523.52 or proximity cards and tags of subheading 8523.59. 94. (A) A change to subheadlng 8543.90 from any other heading, except from subheading 8486.90, or (B) No required change th tariff classification to subheading 8543.90, provided there is a regional value content of not less than: (1) 35 percent based on the build-up method, or (2} 45 percent based On the build*<fow\177 method\337' 81 TCR 97 for chapter 85 is deleted and the lollowing new TCRs are inserted: "97. A change to subheadings 8544.30 through 8544.42 from any other subheading. including another subheading within that group, provided there is a regional value content of not lees than: (A) 35 percent based on the build-up reelhad, or (B) 45 percent based on the buildSown method." 82. TCR 98 for chapter 85 is medi\365ed by deleting '8544.59" at each instance th subdivisions (A} and (B) and by inserting in lieu thereof '8544.49' in such subheadings\337 178