Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/228

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EO 13439 Title 3--The President (a) reviewing or assessing current procedures and methods aimed at ensur- ing the safety of products exported to the United States, including review- ing existing cooperation with foreign governments, foreign manufacturers, and others in the exporting country's private sector regarding their inspec- tion and certification of exported goods and factories producing exported goods and considering whether additional initiatives should be undertaken with respect to exporting countries or companies; (b) identifying potential means to promote all appropriate steps by U.S. im- porters to enhance the safety of imported products, including identifying best practices by U.S. importers in selection of foreign manufacturers, in- specting manufacturing facilities, inspecting goods produced on their be- half either before export or before distribution in the United States, identi- fying origin of products, and safeguarding the supply chain; and (c) surveying authorities and practices of Federal, State, and local govern- ment agencies regarding the safety of imports to identify best practices and enhance coordination among agencies. Sec. 4. Administration of Working Group. The Chair shall, to the extent permitted by law, provide administrative support and funding for the Working Group. Sec. 5. Recommendations of Working Group. The Working Group shall pro- vide recommendations to the President, through the Assistant to the Presi- dent for Economic Policy, on the matters set forth in section 3 within 60 days of the date of this order, unless the Chair determines that an extension is necessary. The Working Group may take other actions it considers appro- priate to promote the safety of imported products. Sec. 6. Termination of Working Group. Following consultation with the As- sistant to the President for Economic Policy, the Chair shall terminate the Working Group upon the completion of its duties. Sec. 7. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order sha]] be construed to impair or otherwise affect (i) authority granted by ]aw to a department, agency, or the head thereof, or (ii) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget re]ating to budget, administrative, or ]egis]ative proposa]s. (b) This order sha]] be imp]emented consistent with app]icab]e ]aw and subject to the avai]abi]ity of appropriations. (c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right, benefit, or privi]ege, substantive or procedural enforceab]e at ]aw or in equity, by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, emp]oyees, or agents, or any other person. GEORGE W. BUSH The White House, July 18, 2007. 228