Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/257

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Executive Orders EO 13447 zt is an affirmative defense that the accused and the other person when they engaged in the sexual act, sexual contact, or sexual conduct were married to each other. (2) Definition. For purposes of this subsection, a marriage is a relationship, recognized by the laws of a competent State or foreign jurisdiction, between the accused and the other person as spouses. A marriage exists until it is dissolved in accordance with the laws o\177 a competent State or foreign jurisdiction. (3) Exception. Paragraph (1) shall not apply if the accused's intent at the time of the sexual conduct is to abuse, humiliate, or degrade any person. (r) Consent and mistake of fact as to consent. Lack of permission is an element of the offense in subsection {m) (wrongful sexual contact). Consent and mistake of fact as to consent are not an issue, or an affirmative defense, in a prosecution under any other subsection, except they are an affirmative defense for the sexual conduct in issue in a prosecution under subsection (a) (rape), subsection (c) (aggravated sexual assault), subsectlon (e) (aggravated sexual contact), and subsection (h) (abusive sexual contact). (s) Other affirmative defenses not precluded. The enumeration in this section of some affirmative defenses shall not be construed as excluding the existence of others. (t) Definitions. In this section: (1) Sexual act. The term "sexual act" means - (A) contact between the penis and the vulva, and for purposes of this subparagraph contact involving the penis occurs upon penetration, however slight; or (B) the penetration, however slight, of the genital opening of another by a hand or finger or by any object, with an intent to 257