Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/275

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Executive Orders EO 13447 {5} Aggravated sexual contact. (a) Article 128 -- Aggravated assault; Assault; Assault consummated by a battery (b) Article 80 -- Attempts (6) Aggravated sexual abuse of a child. (a) Article 120 - Indecent act (b) Article 128 -- Assault; Assault consummated by a battery; Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 (c) Article 80 Attempts (7} Aggravated sexual contact with a child. (a) Article 120 -- Indecent act (b) Article 128 -- Assault; Assault consummated by a battery; Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 {c) Article 80 Attempts (8) Abusive sexual contact. (a) Article 128 -- Assault; Assault consummated by a battery (b) Article 80 -- Attempts (9) Abusive sexual contact with a child. (a) Article 120 -- Indecent act (b) Article 128 -- Assault; Assault consummated by a battery; Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 (c} Article 80 -- Attempts (10) Indecent liberty with a child. (a) Article 120 -- Indecent act lb) Article 80 Attempts (11) Indecent act. Article 80 -- Attempts (12) Forcible pandering. Article 80 -- Attempts (13) Wrongful sexual contacs. Article 80 -- Attempts (14) Indecent exposure. Article 80 -- Attempts e. Additional lesser included offenses. Depending on the factual circumstances in each case, to include the type of act 275