Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/367

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Executive Office of the President \365 102.103 102.130 General prohibitions against dis- mission, or similar group established in crimination. the Executive Office of the President. 102.131 102.139 [Reserved] Agency head or head of the agency; as 102.140 Employment. used in \365\365102.150(a)(3), 102.160(d) and 102.141 102.148 [Reserved] 102.170 (i) and (j), shall be a three-mem- 102.149 Program accessibility: Discrimina- bet board which will include the Direc- tion prohibited. 102.150 Program accessibility: Existing fa- tot, Office of Administration, the head cilities. of the Executive Office of the Presi- 102.151 Program accessibility: New con- dent, agency in which the issue needing struction and alterations. resolution or decision arises and one 102.15\177102.159 [Reserved] other agency head selected by the two 102.160 Communications. other board members. In the event that 102.161 102.169 [Reserved] an issue needing resolution or decision 102.170 Compliance procedures. arises within the Office of Administra- 102.171 102.999 [Reserved] tion, one of the board members shall be AUTHORITY: 29 U.S.C. 794. the Director of the Office of Manage- ment and Budget. SOURCE: 53 FR 25879, July 8, 1988, unless Assistant Attorney General means the otherwise noted. Assistant Attorney General, Civil \365102.101 Purpose. Rights Division, United States Depart- ment of Justice. The purpose of this regulation is to Auxiliary aids means services or de- effectuate section 119 of the Rehabili- vices that enable persons with im- tation, Comprehensive Services, and paired sensory, manual, or speaking Developmental Disabilities Amend- skills to have an equal opportunity to ments of 1978, which amended section participate in, and enjoy the benefits 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to of, programs or activities conducted by prohibit discrimination on the basis of the agency. For example, auxiliary aids handicap in programs or activities con- useful for persons with impaired vision ducted by Executive agencies or the include readers, Brailled materials, United States Postal Service. audio recordings, and other similar \365102.102 Application. services and devices. Auxiliary aids useful for persons with impaired hear- This regulation (\365\365102.101 102.170) ap- ing include telephone handset ampli- plies to all programs or activities con- fiefs, telephones compatible with hear- ducted by the agency, except for pro- ing aids, telecommunication devices grams or activities conducted outside for deaf persons (TDD's), interpreters, the United States that do not involve notetakers, written materials, and individuals with handicaps in the other similar services and devices. United States. Complete complaint means a written statement that contains the complain- \365102.103 Definitions. ant's name and address and describes For purposes of this regulation, the the agency's alleged discriminatory ac- term tion in sufficient detail to inform the Agency means, for purposes of this agency of the nature and date of the al- regulation only, the following entities leged violation of section 504. It shall in the Executive Office of the Presi- be signed by the complainant or by dent: the White House Office, the Office someone authorized to do so on his or of the Vice President, the Office of her behalf. Complaints filed on behalf Management and Budget, the Office of of classes or third parties shall describe Policy Development, the National Se- or identify (by name, if possible) the curity Council, the Office of Science alleged victims of discrimination. and Technology Policy, the Office of Facility means all or any portion of the United States Trade Representa- buildings, structures, equipment, rive, the Council on Environmental roads, walks, parking lots, rolling Quality, the Council of Economic Ad- stock or other conveyances, or other visers, the Office of Administration, real or personal property. the Office of Federal Procurement Pol- Historic preservation programs means icy, and any committee, board, com- programs conducted by the agency that 367