Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/402

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Title 3--The President Government organization and Government organization and employees--Continued employees--Continued Citizens Health Care Working Group Palestine Liberation Organization Of- from the President (Memo- rice, waiver and certification of stat- randum of Tan. 5, p. 317) utory provisions (Presidential Deter- Defense Secretary from the Presi- mination No. 08-2, p. 354) dent (Memorandums of Feb. 5, Performance Improvement Council p. 320; Mar. 5, p. 326; Tune 26, (OMB), establishment (EO 13450) p. 340) Railroad Passenger Corporation, Na- Director, Office of Personnel Man- tional, and Certain of Its Employees agement, from the President Represented by Certain Labor Orga- (Memorandum of Tune 28, p. nizations, Emergency Board To In- 34\177) vestigate Disputes Between; estab- Director, Office of Science and lishment (EO \1773452) Technology Policy, from the Regulatory planning and review, President (Memorandum of Tuly amendments (EO \1773422) 3, p. 342) Security Professional Development Ex- National Intelligence Director from ecutive Steering Committee, estab- the President (Memorandums of lishment (EO \1773434) Apr. 10, p. 329; Sept. 8, p. 347) Service and Civic Participation, Presi- Secretary of Health and Human dent's Council on; extension (EO Services from the President \1773424) (Memorandum of Tan. 5, p. 3\1777) Terror Heroes, Task Force on Return- Secretary of State from the President ing Global War on; establishment (Presidential Determination No. (EO \1773426) 07-\1777, p. 331; Memorandums of Trade Representative, U.S.; designa- Tan. 25, p. 3\1778; Mar. 5, p. 326; tion of officers to act as (Memo- Tune \1772, p. 337; Sept. 28, p. randum of Feb. 20, p. 323) 352) Wounded Warriors, Commission on Transportation Secretary from the Care for America's Returning; estab- President (Memorandum of Feb. lishment (EO \1773426) \1775, p. 323) Greece Closing the Federal Government on Greek Independence Day: A National December 24, 2007 (EO 13453) Day of Celebration of Greek and Environmental, energy, and transpor- American Democracy (Proc. 8\1775) tation management, Federal; Ship, transfer; assignment of functions strengthening (EO \1773423) (Memorandum of Feb. \1775, p. 323) Federal Bureau of Investigation, des- Greenhouse gas emissions, environ- ignation of officers (Memorandum of mental protection from (EO 13432) Feb. 9, p. 32\177) Guard and Reserve Week, National Em- Homeland Security Department, order ployer Support of the (Proc. 8\1777\177) of succession; amendment (EO H \1773442) Hunting heritage and wildlife con- Haiti; U.S. imports, preferential tariff servation, facilitation of (EO 13443) treatment (Proc. 8\1774) Import Safety, Interagancy Working Health and Human Services, Department Group on; establishment (EO \1773439) of; Secretary, assignment of Presi- Improving Government program per- dential functions (Memorandum of formance (EO \1773450) Tan. 5, p. 317) Iraq Transition Assistance Office Health care (State Department), establishment See r\177lso Special observances (EO \177343\177) Citizens Health Care Working Group, Metro-North Railroad and Its Mainte- assignment of Presidential functions nance of Way Employees Rep- (Memorandum of Tan. 5, p. 3\1777) resented by the International Broth- Stem cell lines, expanding (EO \1773435) erhood of Teamsters, Emergency Heart Month, American (Proc. 8104) Board To Investigate a Dispute Be- Hispanic Heritage Month, National tween; establishment (EO \1773429) (Proc. 8\17775) 4O2