Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/404

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Title 3--The President Kuwait; Trafficking Victims Protection Middle East peace process, terrorists Act of 2000, compliance requirements who threaten to disrupt; continuation (Presidential Determination No. 08-4, of national emergency (Notice of }an. p. 355) 18, p. 318) Military Spouse Day (Proc. 8141) k Minority Enterprise Development Week (Proc. 8169) Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8135) Montenegro, Republic of Lebanon Defense articles and services, U.S.; eli- Conflict victims, emergency draw- gibility to receive (Presidential De- down assistance to support assist- termination No. 07-15, p. 328) ance to (Presidential Determination Military assistance, U.S.; waiving pro- No. 07-31, p. 348) hibition on (Presidential Determina- Resumption of travel to for peace and tion No. 07-30, p. 347) security purposes (Presidential De- Mother's Day (Proc. 8140) termination No. 07-22, p. 337) N Sovereignty, blocking property of per- sons who undermine (EO 13441) National emergencies declared, contin- Suspension of certain immigrants or ued, terminated, etc. nonimmigrants entering into U.S. CSte d'Ivoire; conflict, blocking prop- (Proc. 8158) erty of persons contributing to (No- Leif Erikson Day (Proc. 8187) tice of Feb. 5, p. 319) Libby, Lewis; Executive clemency (Proc. Cuba; destruction of U.S. aircraft and 8159) regulation of the anchorage and Liberia movement of vessels (Notice of Feb. Charles Taylor regime, blocking prop- 26, p. 324) erty of persons associated with; con- Middle East peace process, terrorists tinuation of national emergency who threaten to disrupt; continu- (Notice of }uly 19, 2007 ) ation (Notice of }an. 18, p. 318) Security sector reform, international Nicaragua, tariff preference level under peacekeeping account to support; Dominican Republic-Central America- transfer of funds (Presidential Deter- United States Free Trade Agreement mination No. 07-18, p. 332) (Proc. 8111 ) Loyalty Day (Proc. 8137) Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Chair- man, assignment of Presidential func- M tion (Memorandum of }uly 3, p. 342) Macedonia, Republic of; extremist vio- O lence in, continuation of U.S. national emergency (Notice of }une 22, p. 339) Oceans Month, National (Proc. 8150) Malaria Awareness Day (Proc. 8132) Older Americans Month (Proc. 8139) Malaysia; Trafficking Victims Protection Oman; Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, compliance requirements Act of 2000, compliance requirements (Presidential Determination No. 08-4, (Presidential Determination No. 08-4, p. 355) p. 355) Outdoors Month, Great (Proc. 8149) Maritime Day, National (Proc. 8148) Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Na- Mauritania, Islamic Republic of; bene- tional (Proc. 8165) ficiary sub-Saharan African country, Overseas Private Investment Corpora- designation (Proc. 8157) tion; loan guarantee program establish- Mentoring Month, National (Proc. 8212) ment, transfer of economic support Mexico funds (Presidential Determination No. NAFTA, duty elimination for certain U.S. imports (Procs. 8111, 8180) 07-26, p. 343) Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine ex- p ports and imports, trafficking com- pliance under Foreign Assistance Pakistan; transition to democratic rule, Act (Presidential Determination No. facilitation (Presidential Determination 07-14, p. 326) No. 07-23, p. 341) 404