Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/406

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Title 3--The President Special observances--Continued Special observances--Continued Black Music Month (Proc. 8151) National Breast Cancer Awareness Cancer Control Month (Proc. 8119) Month (Proc. 8181) Captive Nations Week (Proc. 8160) National Character Counts Week (Proc. Caribbean-American Heritage Month 8192) (Proc. 8153) National Charter Schools Week (Proc. Child Health Day (Proc. 8184) 8134) Columbus Day (Proc. 8186) National Child Abuse Prevention Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, Month (Proc. 8117) Constitution Week (Proc. 8168) National Child's Day (Proc. 8152) Dutch-American Friendship Day (Proc. National Consumer Protection Week 8128) (Proc. 8105) Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. National Crime Victims' Rights Week (Proc. 8116) (Proc. 8130) Family Day (Proc. 8178) National D.A.R.E. Day (Proc. 8123) Farm Safety and Health Week, Na- National Day of Prayer (Proc. 8129) tional (Proc. 8176) National Days of Prayer and Remem- Fifth Anniversary of USA Freedom brance (Proc. 8173) Corps (Proc. 8102) National Defense Transportation Day Fire Prevention Week (Proc. 8188) and National Transportation Week Flag Day and National Flag Week (Proc. 8142) (Proc. 8155) National Diabetes Month (Proc. 8201) General Pulaski Memorial Day (Proc. National Disability Employment 8189) Awareness Month (Proc. 8182) German-AmericanDay (Proc. 8185) National Domestic Violence Aware- Gold Star Mother's Day (Proc. 8179) ness Month (Proc. 8183) Great Outdoors Month (Proc. 8149) National Donate Life Month (Proc. Greek Independence Day: A National 8118) Day of Celebration of Greek and National Drunk and Drugged Driving American Democracy (Proc. 8115) Prevention Month (Proc. 8208) Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day, National Employer Support of the and Human Rights Week (Proc. Guard and Reserve Week (Proc. 8210) 8171) Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. National Family Caregivers Month 8107) (Proc. 8197) lamestown, 400th anniversary (Proc. National Family Week (Proc. 8206) 8122) National Farm-City Week (Proc. 8205) }ewish American Heritage Month National Farm Safety and Health (Proc. 8136) Week (Proc. 8176) }ohnson, Lady Bird; death (Proc. 8162) National Forest Products Week (Proc. Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 8135) 8193) Leif Erikson Day (Proc. 8187) National Former Prisoner of War Rec- Loyalty Day (Proc. 8137) ognition Day (Proc. 8121) Malaria Awareness Day (Proc. 8132) National Hispanic Heritage Month Maritime Day, National (Proc. 8148) (Proc. 8175) Martin Luther King, }r., Federal holi- National Historically Black Colleges day (Proc. 8099) and Universities Week (Proc. 8172) Military Spouse Day (Proc. 8141) National Homeownership Month Minority Enterprise Development (Proc. 8154) Week (Proc. 8169) National Hospice Month (Proc. 8198) Mother's Day (Proc. 8140) National Mentoring Month (Proc. National Adoption Month (Proc. 8195) 8212) National African American History National Oceans Month (Proc. 8150) Month (Proc. 8103) National Ovarian Cancer Awareness National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Month (Proc. 8165) Recovery Month (Proc. 8167) National Park Week (Proc. 8131) National American Indian Heritage National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Month (Proc. 8196) Day (Proc. 8209) 406