Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/58

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Proc. 8144 Title 3--The President America's rivers, lakes, and oceans are wonderful places for boaters to gath- er with friends and family while enjoying the outdoors. As they do so, it is important that individuals avoid risky behaviors that can lead to boating accidents. Factors such as careless and reckless operation, inattention, and excessive speed contribute to accidents. To help ensure that individuals stay safe on America's waterways, the United States Coast Guard urges citi- zens to take basic safety precautions such as wearing a life jacket, partici- pating in a boat safety course, getting a free vessel check, and never boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. By practicing responsible boating habits, citizens can help contribute to a safer, more enjoyable experience on the water. In recognition of the importance of safe boating practices, the Congress, by joint resolution approved June 4, 1958 (36 U.S.C. 13\177), as amended, has au- thorized and requested the President to proclaim annually the 7-day period prior to Memorial Day weekend as "National Safe Boating Week." NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May \1779 through May 25, 2007, as National Safe Boating Week. I encourage the Governors of the 50 States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and officials of other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, to join in observing this week. I also urge all Americans to learn more about safe boating practices and always engage in proper and responsible conduct while on the water. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-first. GEORGE W. BUSH Proclamation 8144 of May 11, 2007 Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, 2007 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation In every American community, committed law enforcement officers watch over our neighborhoods and work to make our Nation a safer, more peace- ful place. As we observe Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, we honor the men and women who serve the cause of justice, and we pay trib- ute to those who have lost their lives in the line of duty. By taking an oath to serve and protect their fellow citizens, law enforce- ment officers answer a vital calling and accept a profound responsibility. These extraordinary Americans work to uphold our laws and serve on the front lines in the fight against crime and terrorism. We owe a lasting debt to those who sacrificed their lives while serving and protecting our fellow citizens. These fallen officers live on in our national memory as Americans whose courage and commitment have shown the true meaning of heroism. We offer our respect and prayers to their loved ones. 58