Page:Title 3 CFR 2007 Compilation.djvu/62

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Proc. 8148 Title 3--The President My Administration is committed to reducing barriers to trade, strength- ening our strategic partnerships, and promoting economic growth through- out the world. At the beginning of my Administration, America had free trade agreements with three countries. Today, we have free trade agree- ments in force with 14 countries, creating benefits for American businesses, workers, and consumers. These trade agreements are particularly important for small and medium-sized companies to help them identify and take full advantage of new trade opportunities. The United States continues to work with other nations in the World Trade Organization to complete the Doha Development Round, which has the po- tential to lift millions of people out of poverty. I have also called upon the Congress to extend Trade Promotion Authority so we can complete the Doha Round and continue to negotiate robust trade agreements. By working to expand trade, we open new markets for American products and services and help build free economies that can raise the standard of living for fami- lies. NOW, THEREFORE I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 20 through May 26, 2007, as World Trade Week. I encourage all Americans to observe this week with events, trade shows, and educational programs that celebrate the benefits of trade to our Nation and the global economy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand seven, and of the Independ- ence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-first. GEORGE W. BUSH Proclamation 8148 of May 18, 2007 National Maritime Day, 2007 By the President of the United States of Arnerica A Proclamation America has a proud maritime history, and the United States Merchant Ma- rine has played a vital role in helping meet our country's economic and national security needs. On National Maritime Day, we honor merchant mariners for their dedication to promoting commerce and protecting our freedom. During times of peace, the U.S. Merchant Marine helps ensure our eco- nomic security by keeping the oceans open to trade. Ships operated by merchant mariners transport goods across our Nation's waterways and on the high seas around the world to connect American businesses and con- sumers with valuable foreign markets and commodities. The skill and ex- pertise of merchant mariners facilitates trade and helps to strengthen our economy. In times of war, the Merchant Marine is the lifeline of our troops overseas. By carrying critical supplies, equipment, and personnel, merchant mariners provide essential support to our Armed Forces and help advance the cause 62