Page:Title 3 CFR 2012 Compilation.djvu/370

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Title 3—The President

wide approach to these issues that is data-driven, uses effective prevention and care interventions, engages families and communities, supports research and data collection, and mobilizes both public and private sector resources, I direct the following:

Section 1. Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence Against Women and Girls, and Gender-related Health Disparities. There is established within the Executive Office of the President a Working Group on the Intersection of HIV/AIDS, Violence Against Women and Girls, and Gender-related Health Disparities (Working Group), to be co-chaired by the White House Advisor on Violence Against Women and the Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy (Co-Chairs). Within 60 days of the date of this memorandum, the Co-Chairs shall convene the first meeting of the Working Group.

(a) In addition to the Co-Chairs, the Working Group shall consist of representatives from:

(i) the Department of Justice;

(ii) the Department of the Interior;

(iii) the Department of Health and Human Services;

(iv) the Department of Education;

(v) the Department of Homeland Security;

(vi) the Department of Veterans Affairs;

(vii) the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and

(viii) the Office of Management and Budget.

(b) The Working Group shall consult with the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, as appropriate.

(c) The Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief Gender Technical Working Group shall act in an advisory capacity to the Working Group, providing information on lessons learned and evidence-based best practices based on their global experience addressing issues involving the intersection between HIV/AIDS and violence against women.

Sec. 2. Mission and Functions of the Working Group. (a) The Working Group shall coordinate agency efforts to address issues involving the intersection of HIV/AIDS, violence against women and girls, and gender-related health disparities. Such efforts shall include, but not be limited to: (i) increasing government and public awareness of the need to address the intersection of HIV/AIDS, violence against women and girls, and gender-related health disparities, including sexual and reproductive health and access to health care;

(ii) sharing best practices, including demonstration projects and international work by agencies, as well as successful gender-specific strategies aimed at addressing risks that influence women’s and girls’ vulnerability to HIV infection and violence;

(iii) integrating sexual and reproductive health services, gender-based violence services, and HIV/AIDS services, where research demonstrates that doing so will result in improved and sustained health outcomes;