Page:Titus Andronicus (1926) Yale.djvu/15

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The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus Andronicus


Scene One

[Rome. Before the Capitol. The Tomb of the Andronici appearing]

Flourish. Enter the Tribunes and Senators aloft; and then enter Saturninus and his Followers at one door, and Bassianus and his Followers at the other, with drum and colours.

Sat. Noble patricians, patrons of my right,
Defend the justice of my cause with arms;
And, countrymen, my loving followers,
Plead my successive title with your swords: 4
I am his first-born son that was the last
That wore the imperial diadem of Rome;
Then let my father's honours live in me,
Nor wrong mine age with this indignity. 8

Bas. Romans, friends, followers, favourers of my right,
If ever Bassianus, Cæsar's son,
Were gracious in the eyes of royal Rome,
Keep then this passage to the Capitol, 12
And suffer not dishonour to approach
The imperial seat, to virtue consecrate,
To justice, continence, and nobility;

Scene One, S. d. aloft; cf. n.
4 successive title: title to the succession
8 age: seniority
9 Romans; cf. n.