Page:Tlingit Myths and Texts.djvu/30

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[bull. 39

place, and the ground hogs then threw all of their green herbs, roots, etc., outside to him.

[Postea corvus in litus descendit cum quidam eum certiorem faceret de quattuor nuilieribus, quae essent in insula, maturitatem adipiscentes. Deinde conatus est muliebria genitalia conficere e cortice lini arboris, et cum adveniret mediam in viam, quae in insulam perducebat, simile nomine earn nuncupavit; sed res male proces- serunt. Cortex edidit vocem argutam at ille, ira incensus, in undas eum proiecit. Eodem modo tentavit tabaci folia et alias res, seel inutile erat. Postremo processit in insulam, cui nomen erat mulie- bribus genitalibus (Ganqla/tej. Eius comes vir quidem nomine Tgnavus (QUtxa n) erat. Corvus autem aiebat ignavo, "Etiam si aliquid minime pavorem tibi iniicit, percute scapham." Mox igna- vus scapham quassabat atque exclamavit, "lam luna adest." Paene corvum in undas proiecit, qui, etsi ipse hortatus cum erat ut id faceret, aegre tulit. Corvus omnia genitalia, quae in insula erant, colligens, complevit scapham. Disponens ea locis in aequis, prae- parvit dare propter ea convivium escis porci.] After this he said to the people, "Make ear pendants because I am going to invite the whole world." He was going to invite everyone because he had heard that the GonaqAde t had a Chilkat blanket and a hat, and he wanted to see them. First he invited the GonaqAde t and afterwards the other chiefs of all the tribes in the world. At the appointed time they began to come in. When the GonaqAde t came in he had on his hat with many crowns and his blanket but was sur rounded by a fog. Inside of the house, however, he appeared in his true form. It is from this feast of Raven s that people now like to attend feasts. It is also from this that, when a man is going to have a feast, he has a many-crowned hat carved on top of the dead man s grave post (kuti VA). Raven made a woman under the earth to have charge of the rise and fall of the tides. a One time he wanted to learn about everything under the ocean and had this woman raise the water so that he could go there. He had it rise very slowly so that the people had time to load their canoes and get into them. When the tide had lifted them up between the mountains they could see bears and other wild animals walking around oh the stiU unsubmerged tops. Many of the bears swam out to them, and at that time those who had their dogs had good pro- tection. Some people walled the tops of the mountains about and tied their canoes inside. They could not take much wood up with them. Sometimes hunters see the rocks they piled up there, and at such times it begins to grow foggy. That was a very dangerous time. The people who survived could see trees swept up roots and all by a This appears to be retrospective. Cf. p. 9,