Page:To the Public. There Has Been a Design Formed … to Send the Gospel to Guinea.djvu/7

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join in earneſtly entreating you would, in your chriſtian love and charity to them, ſend the lad again, that he may receive their cordial embraces, looking upon themſelves ſufficient to ſupport him.

 ʻ I received the charitable propoſals ; and ſincerely thank you therefor. And I am joyful to hear that there are Africans with you, who partake of the bleſſings of the goſpel, and in time may be the means of promoting the greateſt and beſt intereſt of Africans here. I wiſh to God for it’s ſpeedy accompliſhment, when the nation who are now called not the children of Jehovah, shall become the prophets of the Lord, and the children of the living God. May the benediction of the Almighty proſper all their undertakings, to the ſaving of many ſouls !’

  A native of Annamaboe has lately arrived at Newport, who is a free man, and appears to be a ſenſible, inquiſitive perſon, and is recommended by the captain he came with, as a man of integrity and good behaviour. He is a relation of John Quamine’s, and well acquainted with his family, and confirms the above account. He expreſſes a deſire to learn to read, &c., and to he inſtructed in the chriſtian religion ; ſenſible that he and his countrymen are ignorant of the way in which men may find favor with God ; and that they ſtand in need of a revelation from him, in order to know what he requires of them. He ſays, he has heard we have ſuch a revelation among us, and he deſires to know what it contains. He informs, that he knows of a number of youths at Annamaboe, who have a great desire to learn to read and write, &c. and would come into theſe parts for that end, were they not afraid of being cheated and ſold. He appears pleaſed with the propoſal to ſend blacks to teach his people, and thinks they will be kindly received, and attended to.

  There is another black, named Salmar Nuba, a member of the ſecond congregational church, in Newport, who is promiſing as a perſon of a good genius, and giving evidence of real piety. He is about twenty years old, and has lately had his freedom given to him. He is
