Page:Toast-master's companion (1).pdf/3

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May he who has neither wife, mistress, nor estate, in Britain, never have a share in the government of it
A speedy export to all the enemies of Britain, without a drawback
May British virtue shine when every other light is out
May the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland be ever equally distinguished by their love of liberty and true patriotism
May the enemies of Great Britain and Ireland never meet a friend in either country
May the Gallic cock never tread among British poultry
May those who would revel in the ruin of Britain, or her daughters, dance in a hempen neckcloth
May loyalty flourish for ever
Laurel water to the enemies of the constituion
May revolutions never cease while tyranny exists
May the frowns of avarice never disfigure the face of a Briton
May the produce of Britain ever exceed her consumption
May every Briton be loyal, and find a loyal protection
Our constitution, as settled at the Revolution
May the rights of Great Britain never be invaded by foreigners
May the hearts of our sons be honest and brave, and our daughters modest and pure
May the growth of the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock never be prevented by the Fleur de Lis
Everlasting life to the man who gave the death-blow to the slave-trade
Annihilation to the trade of corruption
Addition to our trade, multiplication to our manufactories, subtraction to taxes, and reduction to places and pensions
At the honest reformers of our country