Page:Toilers of the Trails.djvu/243

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near the rear wall of the tent and was swallowed in the gloom.

"Well, what do you think of that for half-breed jealousy of the Injun boss, or——"

The silence of the night was broken by the sound of trampling in the brush down near the tents of the voyageurs, followed by an oath and rapid talk in the Ojibway tongue.

The two engineers hurried outside, but the camp of their men seemed hushed in slumber.

"There was somebody in the bush out there just now. Hello, down there!" McDuff bellowed. "What's all that noise about?"

Shortly one of the white chain-men appeared.

"What are y' having down there, Andrew, a row?"

"All quiet, sir, now! There was a little noise over near the Injun's tents, but no trouble. Somebody yellin' in his sleep. I looked in and they all had their heads under the blankets."

"All right, turn in, then; but I won't have any rows in this camp, understand? Report anything you see!"

"Yes, sir," and the sleepy chain-man returned to his blankets.

Next morning, when the returning supply-boats started back down-river for the Kabenakagami, the half-breed voyageur, Jean Nadeau, reported sick and asked to be sent home. Although he showed no signs of illness, he was allowed to go.

"Looks to me, Gordon," laughed McDuff, as the