Page:Tolstoy - Tales from Tolstoi.djvu/326

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Tales from Tolstoi

stream; bring thence water in thy mouth and water them. Water these embers, just as thou didst teach the old woman. Water it just as thou didst teach the herdsmen, and water it as thou didst teach the coopers. When all three shoot up, and three apple-trees grow out of the charred stumps, then thou wilt understand how to destroy evil in men; then thou wilt be able to redeem sins."

Thus spake the old man, and went back into his cell. The godson thought and thought, but he could not understand what the old man said to him. Yet did he as he was bidden.


The godson went to the river, took a mouthful of water, poured it forth on the charred brand; again and again he watered it thus, and so did he to the other two. The godson grew exhausted with the work, and a strong desire to eat came upon him. He went to the old man's cell to ask for food. He opened the door, and there the old man lay dead on his little plank bed. The godson looked around him. He found hard bread, and he ate thereof; he found a spade also, and he began to dig the old man's grave. At night he drew water and watered the stumps, and in the daytime he dug at the grave. He had finished digging out the grave, and was about to begin the burial, when there came people out of the village, bringing food for the old man.

The people perceived that the old man was dead,