Page:Tom Beauling (1901).pdf/83

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The big, joyous voice filled the room, and went rumbling out into the dark. The judge tapped out the time with thin fingers. His gray face brightened and nodded to the tune.

"I want to hear more this night," he said when "Glenlogie" was ended.

"What one?"

The judge did not answer, but lay back with closed eyes.

"What one, sir?"

"'Mally O, Mally O!'" cried the judge, starting up.

Tommie sang.

"Will ye go to Flanders, my Mally O?
Will ye go to Flanders, my bonnie Mally O?
Then we'll get wine and brandy,
And sack and sugar candy;
Will ye go to Flanders, my Mally O?"

Tom began the next verse:

"Will ye go to Flan—"

He did not know that his old friend was listening to "Mally O" for the last