Page:Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle.djvu/207

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aftervard!" exclaimed Andy's companion, who spoke with a strong German accent. "I like not dose red little mans."

In another minute the two rescued ones were safe on Tom Swiff's airship, and it had arisen high enough to be out of all danger.

"How in the world did you ever get here?" asked Tom of the lad who had so often been his enemy.

"I'll tell you soon," spoke Andy, "but first, Tom, I want to ask your forgiveness for all I've done to you, and to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for saving us. I thought we were going to be killed by those dwarfs; didn't you, Herr Landbacher?"

"Sure I did. But ve are all right now. Dis machine is efen besser as mine vot vos lost. Is dere anyt'ing to eats, on board, if you vill excuse me for being so bolt as to ask?"

"Plenty to eat," said Tom, laughing," and while you eat you can tell us your story. And as for you, Andy, I hope we'll be friends from now on," and Tom held out his hand.

There was not much to tell that the reader has not already guessed. Andy and the German, as has been explained, went abroad to give airship flights. They were in the lower part of Egypt, and a sudden gale drove them into Africa.