Page:Tom Swift in the City of Gold.djvu/214

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the stone slab. They had dug a hole about a foot deep in it, but it would have to be made much larger before any one could crawl through, even when it penetrated to the other side. And how soon this would be they did not know.

It was about the end of the eighth day, and Tom and Ned were hacking away at the rocky slab, for Mr. Damon and Eradicate were too weary.

Tom paused for a moment to look helplessly at his chum. As he did so he heard, amid the silence, a noise on the other side of the stone door.

"What—what's that?" Tom gasped faintly.

"It sounds—sounds like some one—coming," whispered Ned. "Oh, if it is only a rescue party!"

"A rescue party?" whispered Tom. "Where would a rescue party——"

He stopped suddenly. Unmistakably there were voices on the other side of the barrier—human voices.

"It is a rescue party!" cried Ned.

"I—I hope so," spoke Tom slowly.

"Mr. Damon—Eradicate!" yelled Ned with the sudden strength of hope, "they're coming to save us! Hurry over here!"

And then, as he and Tom stood, they saw, with staring eyes, the great stone slab slowly beginning to rise!