Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/110

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"In which direction did he go?"

"He went across the lot to the road."

"In which direction did he go then?"

"I cannot say."

"You will not say, you mean," said Brown sharply.

Neither woman replied, and Brown retired from the room with his companion. Could it be possible that the men were about to leave? The question was in Hannah's eyes as she glanced at her mother, who shook her head and motioned for her daughter to remain where she then was. Behind her, through the rear door, Hannah could see the heap of ashes, and to all appearances it was as she had left it. She was aware, however, how desperate Robert's plight was, and she was eager to learn the decision of the visitors, but still she remained standing beside her mother, striving to be calm and not to increase the suspicions of her visitors.

In a brief time Brown and all his comrades reëntered the house, and the leader said abruptly, "My men don't believe you. We 're going to search the place."

"As you wish," replied Mrs. Nott. "We cannot prevent you, though I assure you we can report you."