Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/121

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express. Still she was doing her utmost to appear unconcerned, and her scornful smile as she silently watched the man in the room was intended to be doubly irritating.

The leader, however, apparently was giving but slight heed to either of the women, for he was listening intently for some sound to come from the cellar to indicate the discovery which he was so eager to make. Occasionally he stepped to each door and glanced out, to convince himself that his orders were being obeyed by the men whom he had placed on guard there, but every time he returned to his place in the room and stood impatiently waiting for a report from the men who had gone down into the cellar.

At last the heavy tread of the returning men was heard and the leader ran quickly to the cellar-way. "Did you find anything?" he demanded gruffly.

"Not a thing, Claud."

"Stay here, and I 'll go down myself," retorted the leader, instantly starting down the stairway. In a brief time he too returned, and though he evidently was satisfied that the man was not concealed in the cellar, his anger was every moment becoming greater.

"Shall we toast the toes of the women?"