Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/130

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morning work to do, and I don't intend to let any cowboy or Tory"—

"Hannah!" interrupted her mother warningly.

"I don't care, mother!" retorted Hannah sharply. "I 'll take that rifle with me and go on about my work, and you'd better do the same.'

"Not yet, my lady!" laughed Claudius Brown brutally. "I 'll have a bit to say about that myself."

"Say it, then!" said Hannah sharply.

"You 'll hear it all in good time! Never you fear about that!"

"What is it you want? What are you staying here for?"

"I want that sock."

"What sock?"

"The one you have somewhere hereabouts. If you 'll give it up quietly, there won't be any trouble; but if you don't"—

"You 'll have to look for it yourself," interrupted Hannah angrily. "You must think we 're rich! If there's a sock here filled with money, it must be that the man you 've been looking for took it away. I have n't seen any money around here since the redcoats took New York; but if you really think there is