Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/134

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said Hannah. "Do you get up and we 'll see what's to be done. What was he doing? How did you happen to be here?"

"He was going to strike your mother," explained Robert, rising as he spoke. "I was listening and watching from the head of the stairs and I thought 't was time for me to take a hand. What shall we do with him?" he added, looking down at the man who was still lying upon the floor.

"Take his pistol away, first of all," suggested Hannah, and Robert stooped and drew the huge pistol which projected above the belt of the prostrate leader.

"Now, Claudius Brown, what were you doing?" she demanded.

The leader glanced malignantly at her, but did not reply.

"You ought to take him with you to Fort Montgomery," said Hannah. "Are you hurt any, mother?" she added quickly, turning to Mrs. Nott as she spoke.

"Not hurt, only frightened, Hannah," said the woman. "He was going to make me tell where the sock was hidden and he tried to get the gun."

"He won't try any more now, anyway. What shall be done with him, Robert?"