Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/159

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Enemy; after being Chaleng'd by a Second Centinal he then Dismounted, Securd his Sadle, Left his horse in the Lane And Retird to a house where he was taken; then a scermash Ensued, a Negro was wounded and taken who before his Disease, Confes'd that said Rykman was their Leader.

Garret Underdunck, Capt. of the
Orang County rangers.

"Dirck Rykman!" exclaimed Robert, looking up as he had read the letter. "I know him."

"What do you know of him?" inquired the general, gazing keenly at the young soldier before him.

"I know he is a good man. I don't believe it! I don't believe a word of it! That Captain Underdunck does n't know what he's doing. I mean he has made a big mistake," Robert added hastily and in some confusion.

"He appears to think he knows."

"But Dirck is one of the best men we have. I 've stopped at his house, and I know what I'm talking about."

"And you never knew of his having any dealings with the Tories or of the Tories being at his house?"