Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/209

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"They were n't? What direction did he go in?"

"That way," said Jacob tartly, pointing directly toward the wood-box as he spoke.

But Josh was not interested in the wood-box, for he was looking out into the woods beyond. "I 'll go after 'em," he said shortly.

"That's right, Josh," suggested Jacob. "They 've got a little th' start o' ye, but if ye do yer prettiest, an' don't give up, ye may be able t' catch up with 'em."

Josh darted out of the house, and as soon as he was gone Robert stepped forth from behind the door.

"Now's yer time. Start, an' don't let th' grass grow under yer feet," said Jacob.

"But I don't want to leave you here"—began Robert.

"Never ye mind me. Russell's where he can't do any harm, and Josh's just like a big boy. I can send him 'bout his business in short order."

"What 'll you do with Russell?"

"Don't ye worry 'bout him, nor me either. When ye do start, take all three horses. Ye may find use for 'em, if ye get through all right."

"I 'll do it, and I 'll tell what you 've done,