Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/217

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into the woods; but still not satisfied when he had not discovered anything to increase his alarm, he stepped forth into the darkness and cautiously approached the place where he had left the horses.

To his surprise he perceived that one of them was no longer there, though the other two were apparently safe when he examined their straps, as he speedily did. Convinced that the other horse must in some way have broken loose, and that it was by him that the low whinny he had heard had been given, he began at once to search for the missing animal. He decided to move in a circle about the place, and somewhere within it he would doubtless find him.

He had completed the semi-circle and was in the rough path or roadway when he was startled to perceive the horse before him, but his consternation was great when he saw that a man was holding him, standing directly in front of the steed and grasping both sides of the bits. The man's face was turned in the direction where the other two horses were, and it was apparent from his attitude that he was awaiting a signal or the appearance of some one from that direction.

For a moment Robert was too startled by