Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/219

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worst thing in taking these horses. We ought to know more about it."

"I tell you I know this horse. I 've seen Josh on it too many times to forget it."

"Josh may be here himself for all that we know."

"Then there's all the more reason for us to get out of this. If there really has been any mistake, why, it can be set right; and if there has n't, we 'll be mighty glad of the night's work. Come on!"

The two men began to move over the pathway toward the road, leading the three horses with them, and almost mechanically Robert began to follow them, darting swiftly from tree to tree and keeping well back from the path, though he did not lose sight of the men. He was in a whirl of excitement, for he fancied that he had recognized one of the men; but to expose himself suddenly would be likely to bring upon him a shot, as doubtless both men were prepared for quick action.

He waited until they were within twenty-five yards of the place where the pathway joined the road, and then, darting quickly ahead, he gained a shelter behind a huge tree, from which he peered out at the men, who were now almost upon him.