Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/221

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"What if Joe Nott is here?" demanded the other man.

"Then there 'll be no trouble."

"What do you want of him?" It was evident that Robert's trick was working well, and that in their uncertainty the two men dared not move, being ignorant of how many rifles might be aimed at them from the surrounding darkness.

"It 'll be time enough to tell when I know he's there."

"Come out and see for yourself."

"All right!" responded Robert instantly, deciding that boldness might be his very best protection. "Keep them covered," he called to his imaginary troops, "and if either tries to get away, shoot him!"

Stepping out into the pathway, Robert approached the two men and instantly perceived that one of them was indeed Joseph Nott, Hannah's brother.

"You 're Joe Nott all right enough," he said quietly. "You know who I am?"

"Yes. You 're Robert Dorlon," responded the young man, after he had peered into the face of the man before him.

"Well, then, what are you doing with my horses?" demanded Robert.