Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/238

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"Did n't I?" laughed Joseph. "That's too bad. Seems to me, though, that you never explained how it was that we caught you there either."

"You never asked me."

"Well, I 'll tell you. I won't ask you if you won't ask me. I'm under promise not to tell, though in a week or two I 'll let you know all about it."

"I'm agreed."

"You can't keep a secret, though."

Robert laughed and made no response. "I tell you you can't," added Joseph.

"Why? What do you know about it?"

"Hannah told me."


"Yes, my sister. You 've met her, I think."

"I don't see"—

"No, of course not. I hope we 'll come back together, and then I 'll tell you what I mean. We'd better put in our good work now."

Silence returned as the boys increased their speed. There were times when they met some of the country people, who stared blankly at them, but the riders gave no opportunity for questioning and speedily passed on.

On the third day they arrived safely in the